Black Clover chapter 348 spoilers were released on Wednesday, January 18, bringing with them yet another incredibly exciting, high-quality issue for the series. Fans are heavily praising author and illustrator Yuki Tabata for this latest issue, which sees Asta finally begin his battle against Sister Lily’s group.

Black Clover chapter 348 spoilers also see Yrul use his illusionary spell on Asta, which had an exciting effect on him that fans had truly been hoping for. Tabata delivered in every possible way and more with this specific plot point, as he also did with the issue overall.

Black Clover chapter 348 sees Asta finally come to terms with fears of his own weakness and failure

Brief recap

Black Clover chapter 348 spoilers begin with Liebe and Asta, who’ve just arrived on the battlefield, discussing Ichika’s hallucination. Yrul, meanwhile, comments on how the human heart is weak, shaming the Ryuzen Seven and saying they were pathetic despite their reputation. He says that no matter who it is, humans all have fears, including Asta, which prompts the manifestation of his fears.

In exciting confirmation, these fears are indeed revealed to be his own weaknesses and failures. A version of himself appears which says he cannot become the Wizard King, and that he’s not talented like Yuno. The real Asta, meanwhile, mulls on never realizing that his biggest fear was that he was weak. Using his Perfect Zetten to eliminate the illusion, he says that his recent training allowed him to “cut [his] weak self out.”

Mushogatake Yosuga, meanwhile, comments on how Asta “found what he was missing” during their training. The latter’s monolog continues, essentially saying that because he’s talentless, he has no time to be scared, and must keep working and training to be strong. He has to do so for the sake of winning, protecting, and saving, and that if he loses, he just has to keep getting stronger.

Black Clover chapter 348 sees him say that this resolve to become the strongest is what the Wizard King had in mind before using his Perfect Zetten on Yrul. However, before he does so, Asta says that he can see “it,” which references to the ability to “see” the moment an attack is about to happen. It is revealed that this is how one executes a Perfect Zetten as Asta does so, afterwards looking at Lily and saying he’s coming to save her.

Asta’s greatest fear, explained

Since the Hino Country Arc began, fans of the series have commented on how Asta seems to be a shell of his former self in terms of his own self-confidence. He completely lacked it, and while his new friends from the Land of the Rising Sun helped him as best they could, it always felt like one step forward, two steps back.

This is what makes Black Clover chapter 348’s reveal of Asta’s greatest fears so exciting for fans, who were already guessing that he was afraid of his own apparent weakness. While his loss to Lucius was something many fans expected, Asta clearly thought he would fare much better. This seems to be the root cause of what started this bout of fearfulness and anxiety.

However, the root of the problem stems from Asta being the underdog in his rivalry with Yuno. With no magic to speak of, the former has always had to train and have faith in his own strength to move forward, unable to rely on the assistance of true magic. Compounded by his loss to Lucius and him transforming Sister Lily into a Paladin, it simply became too much for him to bear.

In summation

Thus, all of Asta’s failures and self-perceived inferiorities to Yuno are what comprise his greatest fears. He fears being too weak to achieve his dream and save those around him, with this finally being clearly outlined in Black Clover chapter 348. It was an incredible revelation which added true depth to his character, and flawlessly set up what was likely the start of the series’ home stretch.

Be sure to keep up with all Black Clover manga and film news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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